Sunday, May 29, 2016

EdTech 543 - Social Network Learning

I've just started a new course at Boise State University - Ed Tech 543 Social Network Learning - and am looking forward to what this course has to offer. 

What are you initial reactions about joining these social networks for use in this course?
Our first assignment was to join specific social networks for this class: a Facebook group so that we can communicate with classmates, Twitter using the course hashtag, the course Diigo group, and to establish (or use an existing) blog.  None of this was a problem for me because I already have and use Facebook and Twitter regularly for both personal and professional use, and I've used Diigo and this blog for other courses through BSU.  I must say, Diigo is not my favorite site and though many of my courses have required it, I have never really liked it.  Maybe this course will change my mind. 

What is your experience in using social media for your own professional development?
As of now, the social media I use most for PD is Twitter.  I have Tweetdeck set up on my computer and check it regularly throughout the day.  I've cultivated a rich PLN at learn something almost every time I log in.  I also use it to ask questions and love that I get almost immediate responses. I have columns set up for my favorite hashtags and those that are relevant to what I'm doing at that moment (i.e. GeniusHour).  I also participate in Twitter chats from time to time.

What is your experience in using social media as an instructional strategy in your learning environment?
Because I teach sixth graders, most of them aren't legally old enough to have their own social media accounts so I can't use them much in class.  I've found some ways around this - I have a class Twitter account that students can use to post about happenings in class (though I admit I haven't used this as well as I could have), and I have a teacher Facebook page that I use for communication with parents.  I have experimented with having students blog, but more often have used my own teacher blog to have students comment and interact with each other on posts that I create.

What are your expectations for this course?
I am looking forward to learning ways to use social media more in my classroom and as an instructional strategy.  Currently, I'd say I'm fairly comfortable with using social media myself for both personal and professional reasons, but I'd like to learn ways to use social media with my students more.  Social media is a huge part of my students' lives and I'd love to be better at linking that part of their world with their educational experiences.